Camping Adventure

One day Karis and I went camping at Brooke and Karis Creek Hill. People said it was nice.

“Let’s go get some firewood for the fire tonight,” Karis said to me.

“Okay,” I said. “I’ll start the fire tonight. Then you can tomorrow night,” I said.

“Okay,” Karis agreed.

“I’ll get the marshmallows!”

“I’ll get the graham crackers and chocolate!” Karis said to me.

“Okay,” I said.

“Ha, ha,” Karis said to me.

“Ha, ha,” I said to her.

We sang songs. I chose “Buckets of Holes in the Wall, 1,2, 3.” I sang all the way to one hundred!


The Lead Dog’s Adventure

I am curious for northern lights.

I love slushy ice.

I see the freezing faces.

I love running,

Do you?

I love my musher most of all!

I am the lead dog,

As fast as the wind.


This entry was posted on March 24, 2015. 1 Comment



Did you know that blacksmiths were one of the most important trades in colonial times. Some of the things they made were knives, hammers, armor, metal spoons, metal bowls, and almost all metal things. Some things blacksmiths would need in their shops would be a stool to sit on and a hammer to make stuff. They would need a table and a fire for heating the metal.


This entry was posted on March 18, 2015. 2 Comments

My Ice Cube Keeper Engineering Challenge


Ice Cube Keeper Engineering Challenge

Ask: Will newspaper work to insulate ice or no?

Next, we imagined what our ice cube keeper would look like, planned, and created it. I made it with plastic, and the plastic was stiff. Inside it was stuffed with newspaper.

I predict that my ice cube will stay frozen for five hours.

My table:

Time: Measurement: Observations:
10:02 5 cm It is stiff.
10:45 4 cm Still stiff
12:01 2.5 cm There is water now.
1:04 0 cm It is melted!

I might try this to keep my ice cube from melting as soon as it did. I might like to try metal as a material. I would also try lining the whole bottom with foam, using metal for the boundaries, but lining all the boundaries with foam.

My reflections: I learned that newspaper is a good insulator. It kept the heat out for a lot of people.



This entry was posted on March 4, 2015. 3 Comments

Heat Haiku


Heat is cool and warm

Heat is lighted and comfy

Heat is used at home

This entry was posted on February 27, 2015. 1 Comment

The History of Grantham


The name of my town is Grantham.  The town was named this because Thomas Robinson gave it that name.  My town began in 1818.  Some things I know about my town in those early years are that where we live used to be farm land.  Now my town is 197 years old.

My family came to this town in 2012.  My family has lived in this town for three years.  While I have lived here, Dunkin’ Donuts was remodeled.  Some ways I think my town might change in the next twenty years is they will build new homes, churches, and stores.


Go Green Racers

Final reflections on creating a recycled racer:

I learned to never give up!  If you have trouble, you don’t have to see a teacher.  You can ask another kid engineer instead.  You can use each other’s ideas.  It is important for engineers to share ideas because it gives you ideas and helps everyone to get more ideas.


This entry was posted on January 23, 2015. 4 Comments

Life in the 1700s

Did you know I am from the 1700s? I moved here from England. My name is Brooke, by the way, and I am nineteen years old. Some of my favorite foods are fresh carrots from the garden, melons, and potatoes. I also live in a wooden home with a straw roof. My chores can be boring sometimes, but we all help our family. I have to clean the dishes, serve the food, and set the table. We pray every night, at dinner, and every morning. On special days we have no school.