Time Travel Machine

One day a little boy named Ted had a science project that was due tomorrow, and he couldn’t figure out what to do.

That day he saw a TV show of a kid who built a time travel machine.  That gave him an idea to build a time travel machine!

His mom asked, “What are you doing with our trash can and the stuff in it?”

“I am going to build a time travel machine,” said Ted.

“Okay, Ted,” she replied.

Then his dad came home, and his mom said, “We need a new trash can.”

“Why?” Dad asked.

“Because Ted is building a time machine,” said Mom.

“Why is he building a time travel machine?” asked Dad.

“For a science project.”


“Bedtime,Ted!” his mom called.

Then Ted said, “Just a minute!”

“Okay, then brush your teeth and get your pajamas on.  Then go to your room.”

“Okay, Mom,” Ted said.

Then his mom came in and said, “Now don’t you stay up trying to build a time machine all night.”

“Okay, Mom,” said Ted.

“Good night, Ted.”

“Goodnight, Mom.”

Once his mom left, he got out of bed and started to build the time travel machine.  For hours and hours he built, and then he dropped his hammer.

Mom said, “What’s that? Ted, are you still awake?”

“Zzzzzzz,” he said.  Then Ted put all his stuff how it was before, and then went in bed.

Then his mom came to check on him.  It was twelve o’clock.

“Oh, good,” she said.  “It must have been something from the trash can.”

Then she gave him a kiss, and then she went to bed.  So did Ted.

When he woke up, he said, “Now I have time to work on my time travel machine.  I just need to put this bolt on, and then I am done.”

He put the bolt on.  He got dressed and ate breakfast.  Then he got his time travel machine and went to school.  He presented it and got an A.

But then .. . . . .

TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!

This entry was posted on October 7, 2015. 17 Comments

I Am

I am from a big green house.

I am from a hill.

I am from the ashes from campfires.

I am from plants.

I am from bikes,

And from sleds in the white snow.

I am from cats that play

And cooks that make soup.

I am from the pool that people swim in,

From a coloring page.

I am from pets that don’t behave!

I am from playgrounds that kids play on and ponds that fish swim in.

I am from tepees that kids make in their yards

And barns that people live in.

I am from woods that people lived in long ago.

I am from sunsets that people watch.

I am from plants that are pretty.

I am from Legos that people build with.

I am from airplanes that soar in the sky

And parties that people go to.

I am from trips that people come on

And stone that people stand on.

I am from walking, from swings that sway back and forth,

From history.

I am from veggies that are good for you,

Socks that live on people’s feet all day,

And teddy bears that are cuddly.

I am from books that help you learn.

I am from stuffies that lie on beds.

I am from nicknames like Long Tall Sally.

I am from carrots and tomatoes,

From dumplings and Pop’s Stew.

I am from potatoes and meat.

I am from sap that comes from trees,

From lavender,

From fresh air.

I am from Mama who says, “Get back in that shower, stinky people, and wash again,” when she sniffs our hair and it isn’t clean yet.

I am from nice and kind words.

This entry was posted on September 11, 2015. 3 Comments


Green is here!

Green is here!

No more slushy mud.

Green has filled in.

Hooray! Hooray!

Birds are praising God for His work.

The leaves twirl as the wind blows.

The sun shines and sparkles.

Green is here!


This entry was posted on August 22, 2015. 3 Comments

Health Commercial: Taking Care of Your Hair!






After finishing our health and fitness unit, we are all sharing a topic that really interests us.  I researched taking care of your hair and how to have healthy hair.  I shared my tips with the class, such as being gentle to your hair when it is wet and eating right so your hair will look good.  We tried a sampler of yogurt and fruit as an example of healthy eating.



The Courage of Sarah Noble

I read The Courage of Sarah Noble. I did a project to create a packaging design for a food product I read about in my book, making sure it fits with the pioneer time period of my book. Here is my package.


This entry was posted on May 14, 2015. 1 Comment

The Great Wolf Lodge

One day at the Great Wolf Lodge was a hot tube with jet skis. When the lifeguard wasn’t there, we could still turn it on. It was an indoor and outdoor hot tub. Now on the water slides there was this one named the Tornado. There was also this one named Wolf Long. They were so fun. One was peaceful, and one was not. Now on to the ropes course. That was in the air. It was fun and scary at the same time. There was a little kids one too. That was only a few inches tall for the little kids. We waited for an hour to go on the ropes course. What made it fun was that Jaelyn was there.


This entry was posted on May 12, 2015. 1 Comment

Brown Mud!

Did you know that mud is slimy,



I mean every bit of it.

If you see it,

You will agree with me.

Trust me.

Mud, mud, everywhere!

Brown and sometimes black


Some grass is right by

That slimy and disgusting mud.

Look closely.

There it is, sprouting up.

Green grass is almost here!


This entry was posted on April 25, 2015. 1 Comment