Archive | January 2015

Go Green Racers

Final reflections on creating a recycled racer:

I learned to never give up!  If you have trouble, you don’t have to see a teacher.  You can ask another kid engineer instead.  You can use each other’s ideas.  It is important for engineers to share ideas because it gives you ideas and helps everyone to get more ideas.


This entry was posted on January 23, 2015. 4 Comments

Life in the 1700s

Did you know I am from the 1700s? I moved here from England. My name is Brooke, by the way, and I am nineteen years old. Some of my favorite foods are fresh carrots from the garden, melons, and potatoes. I also live in a wooden home with a straw roof. My chores can be boring sometimes, but we all help our family. I have to clean the dishes, serve the food, and set the table. We pray every night, at dinner, and every morning. On special days we have no school.

The Squirrel Feeder

To make a squirrel feeder, you need a stick and a container. Stick through the container with the stick. Fill it with seeds and spread some on the ground. Then wait for birds!