Archive | November 2014


Fall! Fall! Fall!
What a beautiful season it is!
Watching the leaves fall!
Making leaf angels!
The beautiful colors are on the trees.
The leaves are all different colors.
The most important thing
Is I have a sister named Autumn!
Our whole family


Holley was a fine girl. She had her own castle. Holley was twenty years old. It was a beautiful castle. It was ten years later that the castle was not a beautiful castle anymore. It was a vine house now. Holley moved to a different house.

Daddy Bear

Daddy Bear is a wonder to me because Daddy gave him to me when I was four years old. It was a long time ago.

Ariel’s Adventure

Book titled 'Ariel's Adventure'Read this free book made on StoryJumper
This entry was posted on November 1, 2014. 1 Comment

Perseverance Walk

Perseverance Walk

Who do you know that has lived a life of grit and determination to reach a big goal?  That was the challenge put before the 2nd/3rd graders.  They each interviewed a “gritty” person and shared a tale of perseverance.

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Shark Life Cycle

I read about sharks.  An important vocabulary word in my book is cartilage.  It is what sharks are made of.  Some sharks are weird.  Some sharks look like whales.  A pup looks like a baby blue whale’s baby.  A shark goes from eggs to pup to juvenile to adult.  Sharks are cool.


Jumping Off Windowsills

We were playing science, and I thought of jumping off the windowsills.  There was a bucket full of leftover hula necklaces, so when we jumped we thought it would explode everywhere!  Autumn was there in her room with me.  We did it last year.  Autumn got on the sill and did this funny move.  We were going to video it, but I got hurt.  Autumn had a bloody nose.  We never did that again!

This entry was posted on November 1, 2014. 2 Comments