Archive | September 2015

I Am

I am from a big green house.

I am from a hill.

I am from the ashes from campfires.

I am from plants.

I am from bikes,

And from sleds in the white snow.

I am from cats that play

And cooks that make soup.

I am from the pool that people swim in,

From a coloring page.

I am from pets that don’t behave!

I am from playgrounds that kids play on and ponds that fish swim in.

I am from tepees that kids make in their yards

And barns that people live in.

I am from woods that people lived in long ago.

I am from sunsets that people watch.

I am from plants that are pretty.

I am from Legos that people build with.

I am from airplanes that soar in the sky

And parties that people go to.

I am from trips that people come on

And stone that people stand on.

I am from walking, from swings that sway back and forth,

From history.

I am from veggies that are good for you,

Socks that live on people’s feet all day,

And teddy bears that are cuddly.

I am from books that help you learn.

I am from stuffies that lie on beds.

I am from nicknames like Long Tall Sally.

I am from carrots and tomatoes,

From dumplings and Pop’s Stew.

I am from potatoes and meat.

I am from sap that comes from trees,

From lavender,

From fresh air.

I am from Mama who says, “Get back in that shower, stinky people, and wash again,” when she sniffs our hair and it isn’t clean yet.

I am from nice and kind words.

This entry was posted on September 11, 2015. 3 Comments