Archive | April 2016


So it sounds not, not, not fun without electricity, but it is really fun!  Like at Maine, all we do is go to the tide, sleep, nap, eat, play cards, and that’s it.  We also like to go swimming in the ocean as a family.

No electricity can help you know your family better.  Try, just try, to go one, just one, day without electricity.  Some things to do if you have no electricity are crafts, sing, play with Legos, bike, run, paint, draw, read, play sports, and just make stuff and do sports and stuff.  Do what you want to do for an idea.  Reed and I played volleyball with a ball and chairs, and it was so, so, so, so, so, fun.


Time Travel Machine, chapter 2

Thank you for all the amazing comments on my piece, “Time Travel Machine.”  You have been begging for more, so here’s a little cliffhanger.  Well, it’s your lucky day.  It’s part 2 of “Time Travel Machine”!  Let’s begin!  Oh, wait a second.  I am dedicating this to Trot-along.


So after Ted got an A+, he decided to try the time machine out.

“Hey, Mom, can I go to the Nineties?”

“How in the world are you going to go to the Nineties?  You have such an imagination!” answered Mom.

Ted didn’t want his mom to know about his machine because he told her he threw it out.

“Wait,” said Mom.  “You don’t have that travel time.”

“It’s a time machine,” Ted said.

“Whatever.  Do you have it?”

Ted didn’t want to lie, but he made a bad choice right then.

“No, I don’t,” he said.

“Then how in the world are you going to the 90s?”

“I am going to . . . . immmm . . . make my room like the 90s and dress up.”

“Okay,” said Mom.

“Oh, and you might not see me for a couple of hours.”

“Okay, but be back in time for supper.”

“Okay, Mom.”

“Now it’s time,” he said to himself.  “Oh, no!  I forgot, I have to do it outside.  So now I have to go downstairs with the time machine, which makes lots of noise, and go to the 90s without Mom seeing me.”

“Mom!  Ummm . . . I need a favor.”

“What is it?” Mom answered.

“Well, it’s not really a favor, but I need to go outside, so I need you to close your eyes.”


“Ummmm . . . .”

“I’m waiting.”

“Okay, fine, I will tell you the truth, it’s your Mother’s Day gift.”

“That was last week, Ted.”

“I know.  It’s for NEXT year.  I want it to be perfect.”

“Okay, my eyes are closed.”

Ted ran downstairs with his time machine right behind him.  “Great, now I really do have to make Mom a perfect Mother’s Day gift, don’t I?!  Okay, now I’m outside.  Time to go to the 90s!”

The machine rattled and banged.  Ted was whirled to the 90s.

“Am I in the 90s?  OOOhhh!  I see disco dancers.  I am now a disco-er!  This is the life!  Didn’t Mom and Dad live in the 90s?  I know where their high school is.  I’m going to go there and see if their young selves are there!”

To be continued . . . .

This entry was posted on April 22, 2016. 3 Comments